Content Writers Assessment

Thanks for your interest in joining our team!

This application is designed to give you a better overall understanding of the position and to ensure that you are a great fit for our team. Please answer all the questions below and provide your best contact details, as we'll be shortlisting candidates within a week of receiving all applications.

What is your Skype ID? *
Describe your press release writing experience? *
Please list an example of a press release you've written. If you have not written a Press Release send another example. *
Write an example of a headline you'd write for an online press release for an Austin hairdressing business raising money for breast cancer research by giving away free haircuts for a day. (14 words or less...include the words Austin hairdresser at the start of the headline). *
Please share examples of your previous publications online that have got the most comments or shares. *
Why do you think that content did so well? *
What are your favorite tools or resources to help you discover and write great content? *
English Language Questions: Answer correctly the requested below.

(If your first language is English or you are already fluent in English please do not be offended by these questions, it just allows us to better filter the applicants we are getting, it should only take you a few seconds to answer.)

i) The kitchen is ......... to the back door. *
ii) Taking a plane to the island is much ......... than going by boat. *
iii) My dad would get angry if I listened to ......... heavy metal music. *
iv) The guilty looking teenager ......... when the police started to ask him about the stolen car. *
v) 'Less' and 'fewer' often cause confusion, 'farther' and 'further' can also create problems for those trying to use strict grammar. Which sentence correctly uses 'further'? *
vi) Which sentence is correct? *
Research and Analysis

(This is purposely a difficult question to test your research and analysis skills, please try your best.)

i) What are the names of the TWO DIFFERENT steroid drugs that may be administered to pregnant women diagnosed with severe Pre-eclampsia before they are 34 weeks pregnant? *
ii) Why are they given one of these drugs? *
In 100 words or less please write a short passage related to the picture linked to below. We are not looking for anything in particular, but just a sense of your creative personality. Your writing could be funny, political, a short story, a detailed and imaginative description, offensive, shocking, or anything you'd really like as long as it relates to the picture. I recommend you just spend 5 minutes on this task. The picture: (please copy the URL and paste it into a new tab in your browser). *